Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Love Road Block: That Sh*tty Feeling


How is it that the people you care about the most, can make you feel the worst?

How can just hearing from one person make you feel so bad? Your body just starts to physically remember all of the emotions and pain he made you feel.

It comes flooding back...

Completely down.

That's the best way to explain it. You feel worthless. Lonely. Have absolutely no confidence in yourself.  It starts to affect your mood, the way you treat others.

Dependent. That one person is the only person who can bring you up. That one person who caused you so much pain.

How can they still affect you? How can you still be so weak?

It's stupid, but it's the way you feel. Maybe it will always be that way or maybe one day it won't.

Maybe, I thought after this long it wouldn't affect me....

*Note: this was written early in the summer, that person doesn't affect me this way anymore, thankfully 

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