Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Intersection: My Brithday

I'm turning 21 on Monday!

I'm actually excited about this! Not because it's my birthday or that I'll be getting gifts, attention, and wasted. No, I'm excited because I will finally be able to BUY my own alcohol. I won't have to ask someone to buy it for me.

After drinking for the past 4 years I am finally ready to be able to do it legally, it is LONG overdue.

I am not a big birthday person. My birthday just has never been that big of a deal to me. I don't like being the center of attention because I feel like it's just like any other day.

Weird, right?

I just like being surrounded by those I love and those who care about me.

Another Note

Every special occasion since Dan's accident has been really bitter sweet. This birthday especially was supposed to be significant between us. We would finally be able to drink together, legally.

Last year when the clocked struck midnight on my birthday, I had a break down.

He wasn't going to be there... he wasn't going to be sitting across from me at the dinner table that night.

All of the events that he wasn't going to be there for flashed through my mind and it was just down hill from there.

So, I'm kind of scared to go all out (drinking) on my birthday. I'm afraid I'm just going to become a crazy emotional wreck.

I guess we'll see...

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