Thursday, December 20, 2012

Road Block: Speak no Evil, Hear no Evil

I have made this mistake a few times and you'd think after the first couple I'd learn my lesson and stop...

NOPE. I made the same mistake again, this time it cost me. 

I started liking a boy for the first time in a long time. He's cute, he's sweet and he's really funny. So of course, like every other girl in the world, I told my close friends. We all started talking about the details and dissecting every move that the two of you make, trying to answer the ultimate question. 

Does he like me too?

To me, deep down inside, I knew for sure. All the signs were there. He was reacting the EXACT same way I was reacting towards him...nervous, anxious, scared

But of course, everyone had mixed opinions, everyone filled me with doubt. Everyone told me what to do, what not to do, how I look like a fool, how I should just wear my heart on my sleeve, how I should back off. 

This drove me insane

I couldn't think of anything else. I ate, drank, slept, breathed this stupid question; I had to know the answer.

I couldn't take the insanity anymore. I went up to his roommate and asked him if I should give up on my pursuit. He unfortunately said, yes

After this I was of course disappointed, I gave up on my pursuit. I stopped talking and thinking about it. 

I had regained my sanity. 

But I noticed as I cooled off, he started heating up. Everything started falling into place once I stopped consulting other people. I didn't talk to anyone about all of the moves he was making and the texts we were exchanging, not even my best friend. I kept my mouth shut

I started losing all of my fear and gaining a lot of confidence. Deep down I knew the truth the whole time, I knew the answer to my own question. 

He liked me too. 

I let so many other people's judgments and opinions get in the way of something that I really wanted. Those people who gave me negative opinions really dragged me down. Fed fuel to the fire of my negativity, insecurity, and insanity. If I had just believed in myself and my own ability to read a situation, everything should have been in place. 

Everything now is good. I feel like we both know, we're just too afraid to say it out loud...

I am hoping I am not too late and everything works out perfectly as I imagine when I get back to school. But until something concrete happens, I will keep my mouth shut to the best of my ability. 

So, keep your fingers crossed for me! 

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